



Education technology company Frontline had to prepare their systems for significant business growth.

这样做, 该公司开始了大规模的数字化转型, 哪些需要重大的业务变更和技术优化.

该项目涉及几个独特的细微差别, given the fact that Frontline’s customers are K-12 school districts—often these entities are accustomed to submitting purchase orders rather than signing contracts, 例如, 在教育领域,支付强制执行也是不典型的.

RSM’s deep understanding of the tech industry—with its wide range of sectors and business models—allowed its team to get up to speed quickly and understand how these differences affected the project.

数字转换 业务转型
科技行业 Salesforce 管理咨询 NetSuite




The number of professionals who worked on this project together across Frontline and RSM



在2017年被一家领先的私募股权公司收购后, education technology company Frontline—which develops administration software tailored to K-12 leaders—had to prepare their systems for the business to triple in size. 为了适应这种增长, 该公司开始了大规模的数字化转型, 哪些需要重大的业务变更和技术优化项目. 这项工作包括将公司的续订流程从NetSuite转移到CPQ, 整合Salesforce的配置, price and quote software; implementing Avalara tax software; optimizing the use of Workday Adaptive Planning; and implementing a business intelligence strategy and data warehouse.

对前线来说,站在这么快的加速度的尖端是一个激动人心的时刻. 但这家公司是北美K-12教育科技领域的领导者, 提供超过10个,000个客户提供后台解决方案,帮助学校领导进行招聘, 招聘, 跟踪缺勤和时间, and professional development—also had to find a trusted advisor that could help the business navigate this rapid change.

Frontline最初选择RSM来协助NetSuite项目的范围. 在初始NetSuite评估阶段, Frontline felt RSM’s team deeply understood the business and gave the firm the opportunity to lead the entire end-to-end business and digital transformation, which involved operationalizing the business model through various enterprise platforms.


  • Five major workstreams and over 50 professionals across Frontline and RSM cohesively working together
  • The implementation of four major software platforms and several add-on platforms within a 10-month period
  • 在前线发展跨职能团队, 包括销售, 销售业务, 金融, IT, 专业服务,客户成功
  • Convening a cross-functional leadership team to make key decisions for the enterprise

工作结束后, Frontline has conducted several seamless acquisitions without the help of a third party, 马丁·萨克斯说, 前线项目管理办公室和企业应用主任. 该公司现在通过他们的新系统处理更多的收入, which would not have been possible prior to the transformation without increasing head count significantly.

The collaborative spirit of RSM’s team allowed Frontline to “control its own destiny,马丁·萨克斯说。, 前线项目管理办公室和企业应用主任.


Frontline’s products allow school districts to more efficiently track teacher absences and substitute-teacher information, 促进专业发展, 招聘和雇用, 企业vwin娱乐场官方规划等. The massive disruption the pandemic wrought on school districts everywhere only underscored the importance of districts having effective management systems like these in place.

该公司的业务转型项目涉及几个独特的细微差别, given the fact that Frontline’s customers are K-12 school districts—often these entities are accustomed to submitting purchase orders rather than signing contracts, 例如, 在教育领域,支付强制执行也是不典型的.

RSM’s deep understanding of the technology industry—with its wide range of sectors and business models—allowed its team to get up to speed quickly, understand how these differences affected the project and develop solutions tailored to the business. 这项工作包括:

  • 将基础设施置于适当位置以允许可伸缩性
  • 确定适当的方式来捆绑和操作产品
  • 设计有效的更新流程
  • 开发一种更好的预测更新的方法, 使前线能够更精确地管理年度经常性收入增长
  • Rebuilding the architecture operating around Salesforce and NetSuite to optimize the user experience and properly leverage investments
  • Understanding key performance indicators and business performance measures and developing a business intelligence infrastructure to enable improved self-service reporting and drive faster access to business insights
  • 重新设计某些业务流程, 比如Frontline向客户展示报价和订单的方式, 为客户提供更大的透明度,避免计费问题
  • Providing a project management office function to create visibility to the executive leadership team and board on the deployment of capital to this project

What resonated most with Sachs throughout this project was the collaborative spirit of RSM’s team, 最终让前线能够“掌控自己的命运”,他说.

“我做过几个这样的项目, where you have the weekly meeting with a vendor and they come back and say whether something is impossible or possible, 你就会接受他们说的话,萨克斯说. “但你没有参与其中,所以你有点盲目. 许多供应商反对共同开发.”

但他补充说,这个项目并非如此. 前线接受直接沟通, visibility and involvement not just regarding how RSM’s team was performing various aspects of the implementation work, 也是为什么团队成员选择了他们所采用的方法.

“所有供应商都从培训的角度出售变更管理, 但是RSM非常乐于助人, 我们甚至都不用问,萨克斯说。. 结果是, the project felt like it was being run by a cohesive team rather than a business with an outside advisor.



Frontline wasn’t just navigating a business transformation project during this time; four weeks before their new systems deployed, 这家公司收购了一家控股公司,旗下有五个实体. Because the work RSM had done to that point involved a deep understanding of Frontline’s business and client base, RSM团队也能够帮助处理该事务.

公司新系统上线前的那个星期五, Frontline gave employees across several business functions the day off so their team and RSM’s team could work together on the final 36-hour push to the finish line. 这需要在最后一刻回答问题和难题, 所有这些都解决了,所以系统可以在8点平稳部署.m. 下星期一.

在成功部署之后, the company extended their work or initiated new projects with RSM in several areas, 包括与PMO功能和数据仓库支持相关的服务. 自业务转换工作完成, Sachs说, Frontline has nearly doubled in size and completed seven more acquisitions without the help of outside vendors—without any hiccups. 


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